. We recognize the potential of drones to transform industries and create new opportunities for businesses and individuals alike. However, we also recognize the importance of responsible and ethical drone use.
In addition to photography and videography, we offer a range of inspection and surveying services. Our drones can be used to inspect everything from cell phone towers to wind turbines, providing detailed images and data that can help identify potential issues before they become major problems. We can also conduct land surveys, topographical mapping, and volumetric analysis to support construction and engineering projects.
We are committed to providing our clients with accurate and unbiased information about our services and capabilities. We will never make promises or commitments that we cannot deliver on, and we will always be upfront about any limitations or potential issues that may arise.


Wisoft Drone is leading the efforts in building the most secure automated airspace authorization cloud service for the aviation industry. Controlled by our Air Traffic Navigators (ATN), the future of advanced air mobility is within sky’s reach. Become a partner and get access to Wisoft Drone’s exclusive deployment ecosystem and startup community.



Planning the next generation of air travel requires the most creative minds and visionaries to express practical solutions for a sustainable future. Vertiports will serve as the gateway to new ways of travel for growing economies. Plan, design, simulate and visualize with Wisoft Drone.



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A highly resourceful, innovative, and competent software engineer with extensive experience and skilled drone pilot.

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